Sunday, November 15, 2009

You know you've sold your soul to a corporate job when...'re required to do menial tasks with "fun" names, like a "lobby slide" (sweeping and tidying the store's entrance) or a "ten spin" (checking the temperature of refrigerated food items every ten minutes.)

...all of the company's ridiculously high standards for quality and customer service tend to contradict one another and cancel each other out, i.e. the impossibility of grinding beans and brewing a fresh pot of coffee every eight minutes during morning rush while taking every customer's order within 30 seconds from the time they enter the store.

...every company policy and rule boils down to one common goal: avoiding lawsuits. and your coworkers are strongly encouraged to show your unique personality--while wearing identical uniforms, repeating scripted lines to customers and performing monotonous tasks for hours at a time.

...there's an acronym for everything, from how to resolve a customer complaint to how to properly clean the bathroom.

more later.